
Weekly care

  • Heart Sound Measurement(recommended to check once a week)

    Our system provides three levels of stress assessment (low, medium, high) along with the dog's heart rate per minute.

  • Autonomic Nervous System Analysis

    Using the measured heart rate, we analyze the heart rate variability to provide a graph of the pet dog's health status. The wider the spread of the graph's points, the healthier the dog is, whereas if the points are clustered in one area, it indicates an unhealthy condition

  • Risk for Heart Disease

    By analyzing the measured heartbeats, we can detect heart murmurs and, if a certain level of murmur is detected, we can indicate the risk for heart disease (mitral stenosis.

Heart Sound Analysis Using

  • [Normal Heart Sound Waveform]

  • [Normal Heart Sound Spectrogram]

  • [Abnormal Heart Sound Waveform]

  • [Abnormal Heart Sound Spectrogram]

If a dog has a heart condition, noises can be heard.
Due to weakened heart valves, blood can flow back and cause abnormal sounds during the heartbeat.

Heart Sound Sample Using
weekly care

  • Normal heart sound

  • Heart disease

Normal heart sound produce a consistent "thump thump thump" sound, whereas heart disease can cause a "swooshing" or "whooshing" sound.
This sound occurs when blood flows back through a valve that that has not closed properly.

Dog’s heart disease is often not apparent, leading to missed opportunity to address disease at golden hour

  • As dog ages, risk for heart disease increases

    As dogs enter their senior years, starting at around age 9,

    the risk of developing heart disease rises significantly

  • Heart disease progression for dogs

    In the early stages (stage C and below) of heart disease, symptoms may not be visible to pet owners, making it difficult to detect the disease.

    However, heart murmurs can be detected as early as stage B1, allowing for early detection of any abnormalities.

    Early management of heart disease can delay the onset of heart

    failure by up to 60%(an average of about 15 months)

University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst